blog_hero_This is me...

This is me...

A little bit more about me...

First posted: Jun 01 2021

Read time: 3 minutes

Written By: Steven Godson



I thought it best that I introduce myself so you can have some idea of who I am, although my ramblings may give that away, and why I decided to start writing and publishing articles about my journey.

I have been working in the IT industry since the late 90s but, other than a brief stint building a very basic website for engineers to access across GPRS, I am new to writing code for websites and applications.

I started learning coding mid 2020 partly as a way of relieving boredom and partly to have something to focus on as a way of fighting depression/anxiety.

I don’t have a particularly technical background but do have a broad understanding of application architecture from all the various projects I’ve worked on.

I initially dipped my toe into Python but quickly switched to front-end development starting with the basics of HTML, CSS and then delving deeper into JavaScript/REACT.

As I started to get a reasonable grip of the basics, or so I thought, then I started building more complex solutions using the MERN stack and the Django framework.

I’ve mostly built little bespoke projects for my own amusement or to try out something that I have learnt, as well as having built e-commerce and CMS, I am talking to you from a Next.js / Strapi CMS / Postgresql stack (migrated from a bespoke LAMP stack) site that I built, applications following online tutorials.

As New Year’s Eve came around in 2020 I decided that I wanted to give myself a challenge and, having heard about the #100DaysOfCode challenge from Twitter, decided to have a crack at that. Having recently completed my first hundred days, albeit with a pause of a few weeks due to getting Covid-19, and having thoroughly enjoyed the experience I thought I would start to document my journey both reflecting on the last hundred days or so and going forwards as I continue my learning and efforts to move into a development role full-time.

So this is me…

Hopefully will find my posts of some use to you in your journey…